Actually do something instead of complaining

If this New Constitution were ratified, it would have positive impact on you and your children and grandchildren - all generations to come. It is time to stop complaining and to do something that will actually change things for the better. Your input and support is needed!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Some new provisions for the New Constitution

Here are some things you will find in the New Constitution which were not in the original Constitution:

1. The Right to produce children
2. A balanced budget
3. Term limits on all federal elected officials and the Supreme Court justices
4. Predefined national referendums including elected officials salaries, declaration of national emergency
5. Value added tax is only federal tax
6. The Right of sexual preference
7. The Right to private sexual actions among consenting Adults
8. The Right of a competent Adult to make decisions about their own body
9. A sunset provision for the New Constitution itself.
10. A sunset provision on all laws
11. Estimated cost of all Bills must be included in the Bill
12. Congress cannot enact laws that only apply to Congres or only to the People.

There are more that I will discuss later.

Still looking for input.


  1. Right to produce or parent any number of children by any legal method.

  2. In general;
    Replaced the current presidential system with a parliamentary system that will limit campaign time, cost, and lobby opportunity. One that will reduce stalemates, and allow quicker action when needed.

    If Presential system is continued then;

    Balanced annual federal budget. Deficit requires two thirds majority approval of both congressional houses.

    President, and congress seats limited to one term of 50% longer duration than current terms. (money is vote power. Somehow limit vote power to individuals, not their money).

    Right to choose sexual orientation. No state or local law, policy, or practice, can discriminate based on sexual orientation.

    The right of a competent adult to make decisions about their own body as long as it does not endanger the lives or welfare of other individuals. ( a lot of issues here. What about taking risk such as not wearing seat belts, helments, no car insurance. Practices that expose other individual to harm or expense, and public institutions may pay for the consequences. In the case of abortion, when does a fetus become a protected life?)

    Estimated cost of all bills must be included in the bill. Offsetting federal revenue must be based on current year revenue, and cannot contain revenue estimates based on assumptions, or projected economic growth.

    Bills cannot contain earmarks that are unrelated to primary proposal.

  3. I just figured out I have to approve comments for them to show up I did. Don, the New Constitution does continue the two houses of Congress but almost everything else you mentioned is included.
