Actually do something instead of complaining

If this New Constitution were ratified, it would have positive impact on you and your children and grandchildren - all generations to come. It is time to stop complaining and to do something that will actually change things for the better. Your input and support is needed!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

2.2 Terms of Office

Under the New Constitution, “The President holds the office during a single term of eight years and may serve only one term as President.” 

Our current system of two 4-year terms has the President running for office the last 2-3 years of his first term which results in everything being driven by election politics for at least half of his first term.  The question quickly becomes, “Is the President making decisions that are best for the country or best of getting re-elected.”  Politics has become more important than the nation.  The political oligarchy prevails.

One eight year term will help retard this political atmosphere while giving a President enough time to begin implementation of some of his ideas.  It also means The People need to be serious, instead of political, in choosing a President because the President will be in office for eight years.

The Vice President, of course, is elected for the same eight year term.

Next:  2.3 Process for Election

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