Actually do something instead of complaining

If this New Constitution were ratified, it would have positive impact on you and your children and grandchildren - all generations to come. It is time to stop complaining and to do something that will actually change things for the better. Your input and support is needed!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

1.2 Number and Election of Representatives

The two houses of Congress are a part of the Great American Experiment created by the original Constitution.  Based on the results of this 220 year Experiment, this section makes several changes to fine tune the House Of Representatives:

a.      Each member is elected for a 6 year term instead of 2 year 
b.      Each member is limited to one term in the House Of Representatives 
c.       A person who has been a member of the House Of Representatives cannot become or ever have been a Senator 
d.      Instead of setting the total number of members of the House Of Representatives at 435 by Law (as it was in 1911), it is defined here in the New Constitution.

The establishment of a single term in office for members of the House Of Representatives means they will not be continually running for office.  This eliminates, once elected, some of the pandering for approval and funds which hopefully will mean they spend time honestly on the issues of the nation.  It does, however, also make them less accountable to the people since they can’t get elected to Congress again.
A single term also prevents a member from creating a financial dynasty.

Not being able move between the House and the Senate is another way of shutting down the need for re-election and the building of a financial dynasty.

The current method of electing members from established districts would remain in place as would the method of allotting the number of members from each State.

The total membership of the House Of Representatives was set at 435 by an act of Congress in 1911.  I question the Constitutional legality of Congress establishing its own membership rules.  In any case, some people have argued for reducing the number and others have argued for dramatically increasing the number.  The total number should be revisited and, if necessary, changed by amendment to the New Constitution after careful debate once the New Constitution has been in effect for at least 20 years.

Next: 1.3 Number and Election of Senators

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