Actually do something instead of complaining

If this New Constitution were ratified, it would have positive impact on you and your children and grandchildren - all generations to come. It is time to stop complaining and to do something that will actually change things for the better. Your input and support is needed!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

1.3 Number and Election of Senators

As I said in my previous statement, the two houses of Congress are a part of the Great American Experiment created by the original Constitution.  After 220 years in this Experiment, it is time to make changes to overcome some of the problems that have become apparent.  This section makes several changes to fine tune the Senate:

      a.      Each member is elected for a 9 year term instead of 6 year term
      b.      Each member is limited to one term in the Senate
      c.      A person who has been a member of the Senate cannot become or ever have been a member of the House Of Representatives

The same term limit logic applies to the Senate as applies to the House Of Representatives; it is a good way of breaking up the current oligarchy which was not foreseen by the writers of the original Constitution.

Next: 1.4 Elections And Meetings

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