Actually do something instead of complaining

If this New Constitution were ratified, it would have positive impact on you and your children and grandchildren - all generations to come. It is time to stop complaining and to do something that will actually change things for the better. Your input and support is needed!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Definition Of Terms

This is where things get interesting…maybe even dicey.  People have built entire causes around the definition of some of the terms used in the New Constitution.  Because of the vehemence of some people about the meanings of some of these words, I don’t intend on debating them.  I will define them and that is that.  The meanings will not be bent to pander to emotions.  I could use help where the definitions are not clear and I welcome the help.

I felt it important that some of the key words and phrases used throughout the New Constitution be defined up front rather than having the definitions being left for the politicians and judges to decide later.  The definitions are to be taken literally without enhancement.  They mean no more or no less then they say.  If you find any of the definitions unclear or fuzzy, please say so and tell me why so I can clean them up.

You will notice that the words and phrases are not in alphabetical order. The reason is that some terms depend on other terms having been defined as in "Person" must be defined before "Adult" can be defined.

The key words and phrases are:

“Person” is any human being living naturally outside the womb.
                 The first dicey term.  This is not the definition of when life begins.  This defines when rights begin.  I will probably make it a little more specific and change it to “…any human being living naturally outside the womb after the umbilical cord has been severed.”  Again, I will not argue the point but I am open to something more clear and concise.

“Adult” is any Person who has reached 18 years or more of age.
                 Notice this builds on the definition of “Person.”  The age of 18 is, as it has always been, arbitrary.

“Child” is any Person who has not reached at least 18 years of age.
                 Again, builds on the definition of “Person.”

“Citizen” is any Person who was born in the United States Of America or its Territories of one or more biological parents who were Citizens of the United States at the time of the birth of the Person in question, or any Person who was born anywhere of two biological parents who were both Citizens of the United States at the time of birth of the Person in question.  A “Citizen” may also be a Person whose citizenship has been approved by Laws passed by Congress of the United States.
                 The change from the current Constitution is that a Person born in the United States must have at least one biological parent who is a Citizen at the time of the Persons birth.  Prior to this, as long as a Person was born on American soil they are a Citizen.

“Competent” means a Person is capable of making rational decisions for themself that do not harm other Persons.
                 “Rational” is left to the judgment of the courts, hopefully to be made on a common sense basis and not a political basis.

“People” or “We The People” is the sum total of the Persons who are Citizens of the United States of America.
                 These terms could be used loosely so it is best to tighten the meanings up.

“Gross Domestic Product” is the market value of all final goods and services produced in the United States during a specific time period.
                 GDP has got to be defined so everyone is working off the same economic page.  If there is a better, clearer, more concise definition, let me know.

“Fiscal Year” begins at 12:00AM on October 1 and ends at 12:00AM on September 30 of the following year.
                 In the “accounting for money” world, you have to predefine the period of time in which you account for the money.

Compensation” includes current and future monies accrued or paid to a Person by the United States, plus items of value accrued or paid for by the United States including, but not limited to, living expenses, health care and retirement benefits.
                 This is one attempt to control the use of government funds to help elected officials build economic empires, ie their personal income from tax dollars.  The term is used to apply to Congress, the President and the Supreme Court.  You will find in the New Constitution that no one is allowed to determine their own Compensation – it takes a vote of The People.

“Provide” means giving or supplying something.
                 I am trying to distinguish between “giving” (Provide) and “encouraging to get” (Promote) – giving a fish (Provide) versus teaching to fish (Promote).  I am Promoting a society that teaches people the right things to do for a better life and how to do them, instead of society handing people what it thinks is the end result.

“Promote” means to endorse or encourage an idea.
                 See “Provide” above.

“Regulate” means to pass Laws that control the actions of People.
                 Calling a spade a spade.

“Vote Of The People” is the sum total votes of all Adult Citizens.
                 This totally defines the qualifications to vote.  Notice it does not exclude any class of Adult Citizens including convicted criminals.  The question does arise about Persons who are not Competent.  I struggled with this one but realized that leaving the definition of “rational” open to the courts could cause large portions of the population to be excluded from voting if the courts became politicized.

“Common Law” is a system of using prior decisions to make a current decision rather than using Laws passed by legislative action.
                 Legal definition.

“Bill of Attainder” is the act of a legislative body to declare a person or group of persons guilty of some crime without following the legal procedures of the judicial system.
                 Legal definition.

“Ex Post Facto” is a law that is enforced retroactively.
                 Legal definition.

“Writ Of Habeas Corpus” is a document or legal action through which a prisoner can be released from detention.
                 Legal definition.

“Law and Equity” is to use the Law and common sense in making legal decisions.
                 Legal definition.

"Military Forces" includes any personnel or materials under direction of the United States government which are capable of combat including, but not limited to, the arm, navy, marines, air force, coast guard and National Guard.
                 I tried to be a little more specific about what our military is.  I include “capable of combat” so that personnel without the traditional military names are included in the definition.  I also include “materials”; this helps avoid subterfuge.

"Single jeopardy" means an accused Person, when found innocent by Law of a specific crime, cannot be tried again for the same crime.
                 Legal definition.

Next: Rights Of The People

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