Actually do something instead of complaining

If this New Constitution were ratified, it would have positive impact on you and your children and grandchildren - all generations to come. It is time to stop complaining and to do something that will actually change things for the better. Your input and support is needed!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Preamble

Our Constitution, both the original and the New, is a social contract between The People of the United States and a government which The People formed and allows to govern them.  This legally binding contract must include the reasons for the contract’s existence as well as the details on how it works.  The Preamble describes and defines the underlying beliefs and logic for the formation of our government.  It sets up the founding and organizing principles.

Our incredible Declaration Of Independence contains the statements about the underlying rights of every human being which became the foundation of our country.  To me, it is important that this thought process, these beliefs, be included in the New Constitution so that the reasons for forming our great nation and the definition of its governance is found in one place…one flowing set of logic.
Speaking of definitions, I also felt it important that some of the key words and phrases used throughout the New Constitution be defined up front rather than having the definitions being left for the politicians and judges to decide later.  The definitions are to be taken literally without enhancement.  They mean no more or no less then they say.  If you find any of the definitions unclear or fuzzy, please say so and tell me why so I can clean them up.

The Preamble includes more than the basic understandings of the Declaration Of Independence.  It also spells out the specific Rights of The People.  The Rights of The People were not contained in the original Constitution but were added as the first ten Amendments to the Constitution four years after the original Constitution was published.  Almost forty Rights of The People were crammed into these ten Amendments which are now known as the Bill Of Rights.  I have included a list of these same Rights in the Preamble because they are really part of the foundation of our nation, not an afterthought.

In creating a list the Rights of The People from the Bill Of Rights, I realized the Bill Of Rights contained two basic types of Rights – those fundamental Rights each person has at birth and those Rights that every person has when an organized government is formed.  It could be argued that certain Rights be moved from one group to the other, but that is for more knowledgeable people than I to ponder; the two categories are of equal stature so, bottom line, it makes no difference which group they are in because they have equal importance.  Splitting the Rights into two groups, Basic Rights and Legal Rights, makes the list easier to read and comprehend – one group of 33 Rights is tough to get through.

One of the things the original Constitution did not have is the responsibilities of the Citizens.  It appears to me that many people have lost sight of their basic responsibilities to our nation so I included a list of Responsibilities Of The People as I see them.  This list may not be all inclusive; I am hoping for feedback.

The Primary Rules Of Government section is a logical exercise in giving guidance to our government in setting priorities and establishing its bounds.  Rules 1, 2 and 3 are new and are derived from rules on robotics, but the rest of the section comes from the original Constitution.

The Preamble lays the foundation on which our government is built.  Tell me what you think.

Next: Provisions Of The New Constitution

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