Actually do something instead of complaining

If this New Constitution were ratified, it would have positive impact on you and your children and grandchildren - all generations to come. It is time to stop complaining and to do something that will actually change things for the better. Your input and support is needed!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Declaration Of Independence

Our incredible Declaration Of Independence contains statements about the underlying Rights of every human being which became the foundation of our country.  To me, it is important that this thought process, these beliefs, be included in the New Constitution so that the reasons for forming our great nation and the definition of its governance is found in one place…one flowing set of logic.

The second paragraph of the Declaration Of Independence pretty much says it all except it is stated in terms and grammar that we stumble over today.  I have, in fact, plagiarized the Declaration Of Independence to include its meaning as the basis of the New Constitution.  I have reworded some of it and reworked some of it.  The Preamble to the New Constitution has kind of a “retro” feel of the Declaration Of Independence.

Some of the actual changes I have made include:

  •  men” becomes “people” which takes the gender out of it
  •  We” is expanded to specify “We, The People Of The United States Of America
  •  …certain unalienable Rights” has “that cannot be relinquished” added to it meaning you are born with the Rights and they cannot be taken away from you (I think this was an interesting oversight in the Declaration Of Independence).
  • Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is changed to “life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and ownership of property”.  Those of a pure socialist philosophy may disagree with the addition of ownership.

The second paragraph of the Preamble of the New Constitution deals with the People replacing a government with a new one.  This is again derived from the Declaration Of Independence.  It basically says that when a government starts taking away the Rights of the People, the People have the duty to replace the government with one that works correctly.  Although the New Constitution does not replace the current government, it puts in place enough changes to take out some of the unforeseen kinks…unforeseen by the writers of the original Constitution and unforeseen (or encouraged) by many politicians since.

Bottom line, I don’t think there is anything terribly new or different that is being established here except it bring the foundation thought of the Declaration Of Independence into the New Constitution.

Next: Definition Of Terms

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